Monday, September 29, 2008

Are These Diseases Truly That Deadly?

Congenital Rubella

The Rubella Vaccine is meant to prevent Congenital Rubella. If a woman contracts Rubella while pregnant, there are serious complications that may arise for the infant. The infant could be born blind, deaf, severely disfigured, or even die. The CDC maintains that this one vaccine alone prevents 20,000 babies from being born with Congenital Rubella each year. Their reported statistics tell a different story.

The CDC has been telling people for years that a major outbreak in 1964-1965 was responsible for 20,000 cases of CRS and many babies were permanently injured or died from it. There is a major flaw with that statement. CRS cases were not even documented in the U.S. until 1966. The vaccine came out in 1969. Here are the actual statistics reported:

1966 - 11
1967 - 10
1968 - 14
(table 10 for Rubella, Congenital Syndrome)

After the vaccine was introduced in 1969, the following cases were reported:

1969 - 31
1970 - 77
1971 - 68

The number of cases continued to be high until 1992. During that year there were only 11 cases reported - which is exactly what the figure was 3 years before the vaccine made its debut. What the vaccine has actually done is shift the vulnerable age groups to infants and pregnant women (which is why the CDC is now recommending boosters for adults).

Now, even if that were true that there were 20,000 cases in 1964-1965, what was the reason for the sharp decline? The vaccine was not even introduced until 1969! (please check out the 4th paragraph down in the pink box on when the CDC began recording Rubella cases)

The Flu

What I don't understand is why doctors are not questioning the big fat lie that we are told. The public is told that 36,000 people die each year from the flu according to the CDC. Yet, the AAP tells doctors 20,000. Which is it? Neither according to the CDC. Here are the most recent statistics reported according to this agency.

2006 - 806 (preliminary figure)
2005 - 1,812
2004 - 1,100
2003 - 1,792 **mass marketing with infants began
2002 - 727 **mass marketing with elderly began
2001 - 257 (page 18) (page 33 )

This is how every vaccine became mandated - scare tactics. This makes for a great argument with your doctor by the way.

The Mumps

Mumps is a contagious disease that begins with a fever, muscle aches, headache, and fatigue. Salivary glands may become swollen as well as testicles, ovaries, and female breasts. Within a week, the symptoms usually disappear and seldom is medical intervention needed. Once a person develops mumps, he/she develops permanent immunity.
Studies have shown that this disease is usually quite harmless if contracted in childhood. However, when contracted as a teenager or adult, complications may arise which may consist of the following: orchitis has occurred in roughly 20% of cases (sterility is extremely rare because it usually only affects one testicle), transient meningitis, temporary hearing loss, and inflammation of the ovaries. Death from mumps is very rare. In 1991, for example, only one case of death from mumps was reported.

Vaccination does not last (subsequent boosters are needed). Several outbreaks occurred within vaccinated populations. In 1987, a large case of mumps broke out in Minnesota schools. Another outbreak occurred in 1991 in Tennessee schools. A large majority of these children were previously vaccinated (82% of the Minnesota students and 99% of the Tennessee students).

Most children under the age of 10 contracted mumps prior to the introduction of the vaccine. After the vaccine was introduced, the age group shifted and 92% of cases occurred in children 14 yrs. old or younger (from 1967-1971/ prior to the vaccine being put into general use). The other 8% of cases occurred in persons 15 yrs. or older. By 1987 though (several years after the general use of the vaccine), the number of cases in the age group of 15 or older rose 38%.

The MMR vaccine, along with the single dose versions of each vaccine, have a lengthy list of adverse reactions (some quite serious).

Diabetes has also been reported as much as several months following vaccination. In 1992, 180 European doctors confirmed that the mumps vaccine can "trigger" diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine concurred that same year that certain viruses can "trigger" diabetes. Aseptic meningitis is another well-known complication of the mumps vaccine, which the Lancet published in an article in 1993. Japan removed the MMR vaccine that same year due to the large number of encephalitis cases (1 out of 1044 people).


U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services "Measles, Mumps, and Rubella: What You Need to Know" (Atlanta, GA: CDC, October 15, 1991)

McKinley Health Center "Mumps Vaccine" University of Illinois (October 5, 1998)

CDC Fact Sheet "Facts about Mumps for adults" National Coalition for Adult Immunization (April 2000)

Diodati, Catherine Immunization History, Ethics, Law and Health (Windsor, Ontario, Canada: Integral Aspects, Inc., 1999)

Scheibner, Viera Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System (1993)

Briss, P.A. et al "Sustained transmission of mumps in a highly vaccinated population: assessment of vaccine failure and waning vaccine-induced immunity" J of Infectious Diseases 1994

The Measles

Measles usually affects the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. It is a contagious disease caused by a virus. Symptoms may include a high fever, cough, runny nose, sore & red sensitive eyes. Small pink spots with gray-white color develop inside the mouth. Pink, itchy spots appear on the face and spread over the body. Rarely do complications arise in healthy individuals and treatment mainly consists of allowing the disease to run its course. However, measles can be dangerous in the following circumstances: populations newly exposed to the virus, malnourished persons living in undeveloped countries, persons with a compromised immune system, or even in communities with improper hygeine and lack of quality health care.

The CDC states that 1 out of every 1000 children who contract measles will get encephalitis (infection of the brain). However, renowned pediatrician and vaccine researcher, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn states that this figure may be accurate in situations that consist of poverty and malnutrition. For everyone else it is probably more like 1/10,000 or 1/100,000. Even then, 75% of these cases of encephilitis will not show evidence of brain damage.

Cases of measles began to decline in the U.S. long before the vaccine was introduced in 1963. In fact, by 1955 the death rate dropped to .03 deaths per 100,000 (97.7% reduction). This happened 8 years before the vaccine was introduced! The International Mortality Statistics published these figures which shows that from 1915-1958 the death rate in the U.S. and U.K. declined by 98%.

Vaccination does not last (subsequent boosters are needed). In vaccinated populations epidemics occur regularly. The World Health Organization has stated that when you are vaccinated, your chance of developing measles is 15x greater than had you not been vaccinated. Senior epidemiologist with the CDC, Dr. William Atkinson agrees. He stated that over 95% of cases of outbreak were among the vaccinated populations.

An article published in 1995 by Lancet also found a link between the measles vaccine and bowel disease.

Before the vaccine was introduced in 1963, it was extremely rare for an infant to contract measles. By the 1990's though, 25% of measles cases were in children under one year of age. The CDC has admitted that it is likely going to get worse due to the fact that many mothers were vaccinated in the 60's, 70's and 80's. If a mother is vaccinated, she cannot offer the natural immunity through antibodies to her baby. Not only that, but in 1999, Pediatrics published an article stating that infants born after the vaccine was introduced in 1963 are 7 1/2x more likely to contract the disease than had they been born prior to 1963.

Is vitamin A a simple solution? Studies have shown that when a patient is suffering from the measles, vitamin A has proven successful in lowering complication rates and risk of dying from the disease.


Fisher, B.L. The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines (Vienna, VA: NVIC 1997)

Krishnamurth, K.A. et al "Measles a dangerous disease: a study of 1000 cases in Madurai" Indian Pediatrics, 1974

Barclay, A.J.G. et al "Vitamin A supplements and mortality related to measles: a randomised clinical trial." British Medical Journal (January 31, 1987)

Keusch, G.T. "Vitamin A supplements too good to be true". New England Journal of Medicine October 4, 1990

U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services "Measles, Mumps, and Rubella: What You Need to Know" (Atlanta, GA: CDC, October 15, 1991)

FDA "FDA workshop to review warnings, use instructions, and precautionary information (on vaccines)." (Rockland, Maryland: FDA, September 18, 1992)

I will be posting more on various reported disease statistics in the near future. If you would like to start researching them on your own in the meantime, purchase the book, "Vaccine Safety Manual" by Neil Z. Miller.

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