Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bright Minds Institute - interesting conversation recently

The other day I received a phone call from Bright Minds Institute. I totally spaced that I called them after seeing Oprah probably over a year ago (in search of help for my older learning disabled/ADHD child). Well, they just called and I had an interesting chat with the office person. She explained how they use DEEP Assessments for children like my son (yeah, about $5,000 for the total cost too). They have found that children suffering from learning disabilities (which are evident in early childhood by developmental delays usually), ADHD, Autism, etc. are actually suffering from seizures that are not apparent to the naked eye, but detected using their equipment. My response to her was, "Wow, that makes sense. Are you familiar with Dr. Andrew Moulden from Canada? He is currently representing 8,000+ vaccine-injured children in court right now and has discovered that vaccines cause microvascular strokes. So, what you are telling me makes a lot of sense too."

I then thanked her for calling me, told her I would talk to my husband about the procedure, and then hung up. Hopefully, she will look into contacting Dr. Moulden. What I should have done was asked her what she thinks caused these "seizures" in children because seizures are a sign of brain damage.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lyme & Autism - Is there really a connection?

In 2002 I was tested for Lyme. At the time my husband and I were living in NC. We had recently married and I was under a tremendous amount of financial stress. I had also suddenly developed a long list of symptoms that doctors could never explain either. I suffered from the following for 1 1/2 years:

chronic low-grade fever
pain in feet while walking (felt like I was walking on marbles)
large welts all over my back and chest that would come and go
frequent nausea
chronic joint pain and inflammation
weight gain
extremely tired
intolerance to certain foods
abdominal pain and bloating
dry eyes
mental fog
short fuse/extremely irritable at times
**the list is endless

I saw many doctors and had many tests done. Each time I went for testing though my symptoms temporarily resolved. The only thing that was evident at one point was that my white blood cell count was extremely high. However, upon subsequent testing, that count returned to normal (I was also feeling better when it was normal too). Little did I know that the test done (the Western Blot) doesn't cover all of the Lyme bands.

Out of desperation I began taking Olive Leaf caplets and endured colon hydrotherapy treatments in Wilmington, NC. After numerous treatments, my symptoms resolved for the most part and I felt a lot better. I never did receive any answers as to what my mysterious illness was all about, but I'm beginning to believe that I was suffering from Lyme Disease and still am in the chronic form. The symptoms are nowhere near what they were then, but I am tired all of the time and suffer from what I believe is debilitating depression. I still have certain food intolerances too.

Amazingly, researchers are beginning to see a strong connection between Autism and Lyme Disease too. In fact, Lyme Disease causes many of the same nutritional deficiencies that children suffering from Autism are treated for too.



Could I have passed this disease onto my baby? Is that why he reacted so terribly to his vaccines and is now on the Autism spectrum? A few months ago I did see a naturopathic doctor who did recommend another Lyme test (more comprehensive). He also told me that where so much time has passed, if I did have it - it would be about managing the symptoms because the bacteria would have meshed with my DNA already.

I will definitely be looking into this further too.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My Friends and Family Were Notified

Many of my friends and family members still feel the need to vaccinate their children or themselves despite my horror story. When this whole nightmare began with my baby's reactions to his vaccines I sent out mass emails almost daily on vaccine information. I also told them that I would be watching my son very closely for any long-term effects such as delays. Well, just yesterday I spread the word - "I TOLD YOU SO! My son has vaccine-induced autism and you have a detailed account from the beginning of how it happened - beginning with his scary vaccine reactions."

I just don't understand how people cannot be bothered researching or even reading what I give them. I even gave some of Neil Z. Miller's books as pre-baby shower gifts and none of the recipients read them! Are people really that brainwashed or really that friggin lazy? Nobody even mentioned vaccines to me while I was pregnant. I honestly had no clue at the time that they were dangerous. What I do know is that if just one person had mentioned it to me, I would have definitely looked into it.

This reminds me of a story that I was told the other day by the DAN doctor. He told me that he has a mother of 5 who is currently taking her 4 vaccine-injured children to him for treatment. Her 5th child died four hours after his vaccines and her other children become violently ill with their subsequent vaccines. The poor doctor couldn't understand why she is still vaccinating them. I said, "Doctor, there is a term for that. It is called being a 'sheeple'." He looked confused, but curious. I said, "This woman still feels the need to follow the herd". He smiled, but with a sad look on his face. You see, he cannot tell this woman not to vaccinate her children anymore. The AAP has put the fear into the doctors also. If he happens to tell her this, her child catches something like chickenpox (for which they have a vaccine for) and she misses work to tend to her sick child - she then could legally sue that doctor and win for lost wages and mental anguish. Yet, if he tells her to vaccinate and her child dies - she has no legal recourse and a 50% chance that her case will be dismissed in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program! Yet, the doctor is not liable in this case for any wrongdoing. Is that insane or what?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's Official - My Baby Has Vaccine-Induced Autism

Early intervention visits my baby 1x per week. Last week, our regular therapist decided to bring another person along for input. I was told to be prepared for a possible Autism or PDD-NOS diagnosis at some point because there were some definite red flags. We are on a long waiting list for a comprehensive evaluation at a medical teaching facility in my state (possibly another 4 months from now).

Fast forward to today and it is official. My baby has Autism. We met for the first time today with a DAN doctor and he confirmed it - my son is definitely on the spectrum. He has dealt with enough Autistic children to know the difference. The funny thing is that this doctor wanted to start my son immediately on 2 things - milk thistle and DHA. He is already on both! This doctor will also be testing for everything that the pediatric neurologist is not - to include defective mitrochondria. After testing his blood and urine, I will then begin other supplements that were recommended.

The new/recent signs are as follows: my son has recently begun flapping his hands, lining his cars/trucks up and makes brief eye contact with people. This has been such a gradual process that I can totally understand why parents do not recognize the signs until after the MMR (the shot that does them in). My son hasn't had a vaccine in 15 months and he is still slipping backward! The doctor was totally amazed that I refused the shots that I did. He also agreed with me that I could have been dealing with something far worse had I not done what I did.

I am pretty confident that I will recover my son. There are so many amazing people in this world that I owe a great deal of gratitude. Had it not been for them, I never would have encountered any hope or instructions on "what to do" to prevent further damage. I also never would have thought that my son was reacting negatively to his vaccines had it not been for the internet. I probably would have kept vaccinating!!

One thing that people must understand is that a vaccine reaction is considered "normal" if many other people are experiencing it too. So, if the CDC okays arsenic for your child, your child dies along with many, many others - this would be considered a normal reaction because it frequently occurred. Sick, huh? The "top officials" at the AAP, CDC, and FDA all need to spend the rest of their lives behind bars where they belong.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What? Corruption in the FDA?

I guess these scientists can pretty much kiss their careers goodbye if their names are ever disclosed.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There is HOPE of Recovery from Vaccine Injury

Thousands of parents all around the country are claiming that they have recovered their children from Autism and other neurological disorders. This is something that also fails to make national news. Why? Because the treatment calls for reversing the vaccine injury. How? Diet, supplements, detoxing of heavy metals, and possibly hyperbaric oxygen treatments (similar treatment protocol used for victims who have sustained severe head trauma). Unfortunately, because the medical industry does not recognize vaccine damage, there is no such thing as recovery either. Much of the treatment used is not covered by medical insurance either. Some parents have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, but they have recovered their children in the process! If my hearing could be restored with just one herb, you can bet that anything is possible! Many medical doctors have received the title of "DAN" doctor which stands for Defeat Autism Now. They have received training in treating such injuries too by using Biomedical Intervention.

A fabulous book that I have just finished reading is called, "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics - Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies" by Kenneth Bock, M.D., and Cameron Stauth. Dr. Bock is a DAN doctor who has successfully treated many children.

For more information on recovery, how to locate a doctor, vaccine studies, and more go to:


You will also be quite surprised to learn that there was a Rally on 6/4/08 in Washington D.C. to "Green our Vaccines". Over 8,000 people were there delivering a message to our leaders. Did this make the evening news or the newspapers? Again, you have to ask yourself why.

Why the Media Remains Silent

Journalists are very well aware of what is going on. Unfortunately, they are not allowed to speak out against the "Vaccine Program". How do I know this? I actually spoke with a well-known journalist who informed me of this. Yes, they are allowed to raise questions about a particular vaccine, such as Gardasil (which has made national news for safety concerns), but about the overall program, no - unless of course they would like to lose their job, face a lawsuit, and have their employer put out of business. So, many journalists are starting their own personal blogs under different identities and getting the truth out in the only way that they can.

So, next time you read the newspaper or watch the evening news about "vaccines" just remember that what you are reading or listening to came directly from the CDC, not the journalist's researched facts.

Update on my Infant

My 20 mo. old infant has started receiving intervention services once per week at home because he is delayed in all areas (his third evaluation finally showed the gap was large enough to qualify). I was advised to take him back to his pediatrician due to the concerns about speech. I did just that. He saw his pediatrician on Monday and was referred to a team of developmental specialists (which will take about 6 months), an allergist (per my request), and a pediatric neurologist.

So, today we met with the pediatric neurologist. What a big, fat waste of time meeting with this dimwit. Here is what happened. My blood is still boiling.

For any of you that did not read my post in September I will restate in a nutshell what my baby went through. He had severe reactions to his 2, 4, and 6 mo. vaccines -all dismissed of course by the on-call nurse after 2 and 4 month rounds. He had high-pitched screaming, congestion, partial seizures (with 6 mo. vaccines), regressed, began showing signs of delays, is now receiving intervention services, etc At 12 mo. of age he was saying "here kitty, kitty, mama, dada, hi, baba," and other words. He didn't even start babbling though until 10 1/2 months which is definitely a red flag to begin with. Over the past 8 months he has lost all words (we stopped vaccinating at 6 mo. and he didn't receive all of the recommended ones thankfully). He was "cruising" for 7 mo. too which in my opinion is way too long. Now, he is still unsteady on his feet, bumping into things, falling backwards off the couch, losing his balance, etc. After 2 recent illnesses, it worsened - he looked like a little drunk because he would be standing there, slightly turn his head to look at you and just fall to the floor. So, his pediatrician recommended a pediatric neurologist. So, I went today with my Mom. The doctor evaluated him, asked for the history and as soon as I started blaming vaccines he then began talking down to me by saying things like "It doesn't sound like your son had partial seizures. Your son doesn't have Autism and if he did numerous studies have shown there is no connection. However, it is your right to discontinue the vaccines, but your son is at a severe risk of catching these diseases like Measles and such". Then he had the nerve to tell me my son's simply delayed in speech - I felt like screaming he is NOT DELAYED - HE WAS SPEAKING AND IT STOPPED! Explain that you jerk!

So, after he was done I mentioned Ataxia. He told me that my son doesn't appear to have it (o.k. before running any tests?). I said, "Well just so you know he was exposed to Magnesium Sulfate which can cause low-tone and ATAXIA. He was then given Aluminum Hydroxide in his DTaP which can cause low-tone and ATAXIA. He was also given neomycin which is not recommended if the child has low-tone because it can worsen it." I also asked him about ATAXIA being caused by drugs that have a depressant effect on the Central Nervous System. He is not aware of any in vaccines. I said, "Really? The FDA issued a statement that they were removing a nursing mother's nipple cream that contained phenoxyethanol because it may cause SIDS and depression of the central nervous system. Yet, my son received it in his DTaP vaccine? All goes in vaccines, huh?". I also said, "I don't care what the medical community says, I blame the vaccines and you will never convince me otherwise." I could tell he was really aggravated and wanted to get rid of me by this point. So, he mentioned that he was ordering some bloodwork to check for genetic abnormalities. I said, "So, you aren't going to check for vitamin deficiencies such as E and B12?" "No", he said. What a big fat waste of time going to this idiot.

So, before he left the room I said, "Doctor, let me leave you with 2 last thoughts. You know Bernadine Healy, right? (He actually said NO!). She is the former director of the NIH who gave a recent interview. She came out and said that the children who regressed after their vaccines have NEVER been studied. The recent study that the CDC released only covered 30 something children. So, I hardly call that a study. The medical community is seriously misinformed because the Autism/vaccine connection has NEVER been properly studied to date. Furthermore, ask yourself why these people who catch these diseases are never tested for the strain they are carrying. It is just my opinion doctor, but more than likely it is because the strain would be linked back to the vaccine in current use. So, if I have to decide between Measles and Cancer - yes, vaccines cause cancer and so much more doctor - I think I will take Measles."

He quickly gathered his paperwork and left the room to order the bloodwork while totally tuning me out. It just goes to show you that he has done absolutely no homework on the subject and he is just repeating what the CDC states. After so much controversy surrounding vaccines within the last decade, these doctors have to know what vaccines are all about. They are turning a blind eye on all of it though. Put yourself in their shoes. They have spent an enormous amount of money and time going to medical school. They are then taught that vaccine sales/prescription drugs will determine whether or not they can remain in that field. Why? Vaccines generate a lot of revenue for the medical teaching facilities, doctors, and Big Pharma. Not the vaccines themselves, but the diseases they cause are worth a fortune in prescription drugs.

My Mom got into the car and told me that she was so embarassed (after all, my face was beet red while I was talking to this doctor - I was also shaking and my nostrils were flaring). I said, "Mom, don't be. Be angry. They hurt your grandson with these damn vaccines and now they are conspiring to cover it all up". She then sighed and agreed with me.

On a good note, I have a friend of a friend who is getting me in to see a DAN doctor for help. My son's immune system is down now and despite what the medical community states - his problems began with drugs and vaccines. Period.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Progress to Report in Reversing the Vaccine Damage

I still cannot believe this. About 3 weeks ago I began to come down with an illness. Instead of going to the doctors for some prescription drugs that don't work, I did my usual thing - took some Olive Leaf Extract in liquid form. I faithfully took it 3x per day and haven't stopped because I am usually prone to respiratory illnesses in the fall and winter months.

An amazing thing happened this week. My hearing came back! My hearing hasn't been normal for roughly 20 months now. I attribute the recovery of my vaccine injury to taking Olive Leaf. This very powerful herb is an antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial supplement. The Olive Tree is also mentioned in the Bible frequently for its amazing healing capabilities.

So, despite what these so-called "healthcare" professionals maintain, the Rubella Vaccine (the one that I received in Feb 07) is capable of inflicting the same harm as the Rubella Virus itself (both can causing hearing damage). So, after treating the vaccine injury as such, a "virus", I have reversed the damage. Also, for the first time in 6 years, I am able to lay on my stomach without suffering in pain. (I recently visited a Naturopathic Doctor who believed I had a gut infection after giving me a 6 page questionaire). I never had a chance to do the labwork that he recommended, but at the same time I believe I am on the road to recovery in that area too!

I was trying not to get my hopes up about the hearing issue, but today is day 5 and it is still normal. I now have to turn down the phone/tv volume in every room of the house and I am now able to tolerate bass in my vehicle. I can now follow a conversation with background noise too!

It goes to show you that all things are possible. I now have faith that I will be able to help my two children reverse their vaccine damage also.

Neurologically, my infant has made tremendous progress in 8 days just by eliminating gluten/casein from his diet. His receptive skills are now where they should be. I only have to call his name once and he turns around to look. His tolerance to frustration has greatly improved too. He is still suffering though in gross motor (fine motor is o.k.) and communication. I am guessing that it is due to the heavy metals wrecking havoc on his body. Please see the earlier post on aluminum/DtaP Vaccine/hypotonia. So, I will be focusing on the heavy metal issue with him as well as setting up an appt with his pediatrician for a referral to a specialist.

My teenager does not want to do the diet thing just yet. I have a feeling that when he sees his younger brother making tremendous progress, he will jump on board too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aluminum in Vaccines and Central Nervous System Diseases

Interesting articles. Anyone have children with delays, sensory issues or low muscle tone (hypotonia)? You might want to read these articles about aluminum.



Now, in addition to the neomycin that my baby was given, I also believe that aluminum that he was given during each round of vaccinations at 2, 4, and 6 mo. played a huge factor too.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Scary Form to Stay Away From

If parents are choosing to delay, space out, or forgo vaccines altogether, many doctors are asking parents to sign a "Refusal to Vaccinate Form" supplied by the AAP. This is not required, but some doctors are enforcing it. If yours is, find another doctor. Do not sign this form. Many parents are claiming that is was used against them and their children were taken away temporarily for neglect. However, they were returned, but not before being "caught up" with all of their vaccines.

Why do I recommend not signing it? It basically states that you are a neglectful parent by not vaccinating and you are placing your child and others in danger by your actions! The AAP has stated that documentation in the patient's records is acceptable.



Always, read what you are being asked to sign. If need be, tell the doctor that you need to bring it home to look it over before doing anything. Be sure to make a copy of anything that you are signing too for your records! All too often parents are rushed because the doctor is rushed. Don't be a victim! You are the consumer!

Just 2 months ago I took my infant son in for bloodwork (allergy testing). There was a new section that caught my attention. By signing the form I was giving the hospital the right to keep his DNA for "Scientific Research". I was also allowing them to sell it to other outside organizations. Needless to say, I ended up walking out and not having it done. Sadly, I was only the second parent to question it after it's implementation a few months earlier (the lab tech told me that she took it to a lawyer for clarification too and it scared her)!

Jenny McCarthy Rocks!

Please be sure to send a Big "Thank You" to US Weekly Magazine for giving Jenny McCarthy a 6 page spread and for putting her on the cover of their magazine this week. They actually allowed her to say that vaccines caused her son's Autism! By far, this is one of the best written articles ever!


To thank them, go to the link below, choose the "Editorial Dept", include the URL above in your submission form as well as the title of the story, "How I Saved My Son".



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Doctors Now Injecting People With the Bird Flu!

I just realized that Sanofi Pasteur has released the Bird Flu vaccine and it is recommended for anyone over 18! Are they trying to start an outbreak? According to the manufacturer it is also not recommended for pregnant women, but I wonder how many pregnant women will "accidentally" receive it though.


I've also been told that the Flu Mist vaccine contains 2 sub-strains of the bird flu too!

Do your homework people! Google and package insert info work for now.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Big Piece of the Puzzle - The Three of us

Wow! I just figured this out yesterday! I am so excited because I believe that I am on to something.

Earlier I had posted my story about the birth of my second child. I was suffering from severe preeclampsia and was given magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures (due to the severity of my blood pressure problem). Upon further researching this drug, I realized that this may cause hypotonia in the mother and baby (low muscle tone). This explains why when he was evaluated just prior to his 2 mo. shots, it was indicated that he was low-tone. However, it was very minor at the time. This drug may also cause gastrointestinal motility (which can ultimately kill your ability to absorb certain nutrients such as B12).

Anyone that suffers from the effects of magnesium sulfate (such as low-tone) should NOT be given gentamicin because it can further aggravate the condition. Well, he was given neomycin in his 2, 4, and 6 mo. vaccines! Neomycin IS gentamicin!! This is exactly why he could not longer nurse after his 2 mo. vaccines. He then lost muscle tone in his mouth. It also explains why he cannot speak properly for his age (a lot of his speaking is done with a closed mouth) and he cannot chew certain foods. It also explains why he was severely delayed in holding his head up, crawling, walking, etc. This also explains why I suffered from partial hearing loss too! My Rubella Vaccine contained this ingredient too! It can actually cause partial or total hearing loss (among many other things!). Common sense tells me that if a mother is suffering from toxins raging through her body, the last thing that you do is inject more, let alone having one of these ingredients be neomycin!

The good thing is that low muscle tone may be corrected with some people by using B12 supplements. Unfortunately, many cannot absorb this naturally and it must be delivered by way of shots or patches. What is scary is that I just came across some information that mercury may be in some shots. Both of my children suffer from symptoms of B12 deficiency! I firmly believe that neither of them can absorb it naturally.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Famous Quotes

"A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day." Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky

"The only wholly safe vaccine is the vaccine that is never used." Dr. J. Shannon, National Institute of Health, U.S.A.

"In my opinion, we vaccinate in an unscientific and potentially dangerous way." Dr. Jay Gordon

"The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunisation." Dr. R. Mendelsohn

"Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection. " Dr. A. Sabin, developer of the Oral Polio vaccine (lecture to Italian doctors in Piacenze, Italy, December 7th, 1985)

"Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are contaminated with animal viruses and may cause serious illness later in life (multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukaemia, etc) we must consider whether the vaccines really work for their intended purpose. " Dr. W.C. Douglas (Cutting Edge, May 1990)

"Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing vital power and diminishing natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated. " Dr. J.W. Hodge, The Vaccination Superstition

"My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the US each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given to children. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is the most likely villain , but it could also be one or more of the others. " Dr. R. Mendelsohn

"Live virus vaccines against influenza and paralytic polio, for example, may in each instance cause the disease it is intended to prevent... " Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of first polio vaccine

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." Dr J Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US Food and Drug Administration

Parasites and the Immune System

Vaccines contain the most vile ingredients - one of them may be parasites. If effective screening measures were supposedly used, then how on earth did a virus such as the SV40 virus get through "undetected" for so many years in the polio vaccine? I believe that even to this day, the screening process is very ineffective for detecting viruses, fungi, and parasites. Humans and animals are susceptible hosts.

Just take a quick look at some of the ingredients in vaccines. African green monkey kidney cells, bovine (cow) serum, chick embryo cells, chinese hamster ovary cells, dog kidney cells, the list goes on and on. Well, if parasites are "stealth" invaders capable of hiding anywhere in the body, you can bet that more than likely you are being injected with them too by way of vaccines. What is even more bothersome is that if you have problems with yeast overgrowth, than you can be sure that you are already suffering from parasitic infection too. Parasites thrive on yeast overgrowth.

"On the other end, a chronic parasitic infection secreting low levels of toxins can create an extremely strained immune system which may allow varied health problems to develop. When the immune system is strained over a long period of time, it of course, becomes weak. When the immune system is weak, our bodies become susceptible to infections of all kinds. This can be an extremely dangerous situation in this day and age because we are exposed to more viruses than ever before. Also, they are changing and adapting at a very fast rate as are the bacteria, many of which are now resistant to antibiotics and other artificial measures which used to combat them".


The link below talks about the immune system, vaccinations and the toxic affect of candida overgrowth.


Here is proof that a healthy immune system can keep some parasites at bay. I guess the author just doesn't "get it" though.


However, don't worry. There are even more vaccines coming down the pipeline.


The "Vaccine Program's" Victims

What a beautiful little girl. My heart breaks for her family. How many more children & adults are out there unrecognized? Plenty.



For other victims' stories or to add yours, go to http://vaccinememorial.org/ (my children and I are on this website)

Yet, more victims below too.


http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/02/managing-editors-note-below-is-the-story-of-iam-gromowski-a-boy-who-lived-47-days-after-his-hepatitis-b-vaccination-thank.html (graphic photos - not for the weak stomach)







http://www.sayingnotovaccinesstore.com/page/105890204 (you will find my family's story posted here)


http://www.thinktwice.com/stories2.htm (my baby and I share our stories in this section on Feb 3rd and Feb 12th, 2008. I did not include my hearing loss because it was not officially recognized until I took my teenage son to his hearing evaluation a short time later. It was at that time that I was told that my hearing was damaged).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

National PTA Pushing the Flu Vaccine?

How sad. I wonder who is truly responsible for this. They are spreading the same lie as the CDC by stating that 36,000 people die each year from the flu.


Georgia Family Allowed Suit Against Vaccine Manufacturer

You would think that a story like this would make national news.



Dr. Andrew Moulden Speaks Out

A doctor who has some guts!!



I take great comfort in knowing that justice will prevail, if not in this lifetime, then in the afterlife.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dr. Dean Edell, Radio Talk Show Host

Dr. Dean Edell is a radio talk show host who is spreading the lies and fearmongering against us anti-vax people. He has been stating that there is no mercury in childhood shots, vaccines don't cause autism, and that we are affecting their herd immunity. When you go to his website he even states that asthma is linked to CHILD ABUSE! He actually states that you are putting others at risk by not vaccinating! Just google his name for more info. Below is the fax that I am sending today.


His other website may be found here:


Below is a letter that I emailed to his radio show.

October 1, 2008

Dr. Dean Edell,

I am a wife and mother. My baby and I were injured by vaccines just last year. My hearing was damaged by a Rubella Vaccine and he endured high-pitched screaming off/on for three days, congestion, partial seizures, developmental delays and regression immediately following his vaccines which consisted of the IPV, DTaP, and HIB. The extent of his injuries are unknown at this time, but he is receiving intervention services and I am now researching detox methods for him. I have since learned after reviewing baby books, medical records, and baby photos that I have three other victims in my family (one death). So, that throws your fictitious “one in a million” theory out the window, wouldn’t you agree?

Vaccines have been controversial for decades now. I am led to believe one of two things: 1. Either physicians know exactly what they are capable of doing, but don’t care because vaccines are quite profitable or 2. Physicians are total idiots and believe everything that they hear or read stated by their superior powers. My son’s own pediatrician is now educating herself on the matter because she has seen enough to scare her.

You are probably saying to yourself…physicians don’t make any money off vaccines, right? Oh, but they do. If vaccines cause life-long disabilities which result in life-long medications, aren’t you making money then? Forgive me for being so blunt. It is what it is though.

As far as your theory regarding mercury has been removed is concerned, have you personally tested these vials that claim to be mercury-free? Last I heard there is still “trace amounts” in them, meaning .3 micrograms or less. I did the math according to the FDA’s own formula and just 2 trace shots would exceed my infant’s limit according to his weight. An anonymous physician sent in 4 vials to be tested and they all contained mercury, but claimed to be mercury-free. Go to http://www.hapihealth.com/ for more info.

Vaccines don’t cause Autism? Where did you hear this nonsense? The CDC? The AAP? Autism is listed as an adverse reaction to Tripedia (you know, the shot that babies are given at 2, 4, and 6 mo. old?) It is no wonder why researchers believe that they can diagnose it much sooner now. If that is not enough, see what a member of the AAP (researcher) had to say about the MMR vaccine being implicated in certain types of “Autism” in Jenny McCarthy’s new book, “Mother Warriors”.

Then of course, there is your theory about “herd immunity”. Well, herd immunity is disproven in Neil Z. Miller’s book, the “Vaccine Safety Manual”. There are over 1,000 sources for you to further investigate (many from peer-reviewed medical journals). Actually, this is mainly disproven by the CDC’s own reported statistics before/after each vaccine came on the market. What I don’t understand is why doctors are not questioning the Flu Vaccine (36,000 deaths, huh?) I hate to burst your bubble on that one vaccine alone, but the CDC has never reported over 2,000 deaths for any given year. AND, the majority of these deaths were in people over the age of 75 according to the CDC. So, the fact that our elderly are “drugged up” on everything could have played a huge factor too. Before the mass marketing of the Flu Vaccine in the infants and elderly though, the CDC only reported 257 deaths in 2001. The mass marketing began in 2002 & 2003.

I now see vaccines as a game of Russian Roulette. Guess who is holding the gun too? Once you read those two books referenced above and “The Virus and the Vaccine” by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher, you will understand why I consider vaccines a Lethal Weapon. If you still believe in the herd immunity theory after reading these books, please, by all means, pack your bags and get the heck out of this country. Go move to communist country where you will have no rights because last I heard this is a free society that does not live under a dictatorship.

As long as doctors like you continue to spread your lies and hatred against parents like me, us “Moms” will only get louder and more determined than ever to put a stop to this insane“One-Size-Fits-All” Policy. This Anti-Vaccine movement by the way is mainly comprised of families who have witnessed the damages caused by vaccines firsthand, only to be ignored by doctors such as yourself. I do have to tell you though, there are 60,000 members of the AAP and our “numbers” surpassed yours a long time ago.

I will close with this one last thought though. The definition of a doctor is a person “who is skilled or specializes in healing arts who holds an advanced degree and is licensed to practice”. Very few “doctors” fit this profile. If many truly believe in the “herd immunity” theory despite the risks for some patients, I can only compare your works to that of Hitler.



Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Famous Interviews

Former Director of NIH, Bernadine Healy tells all.


Jenny McCarthy recovered her son, Evan from Vaccine INJURY!


Of course, our powers that be have removed Ms. McCarthy's interview!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Are These Diseases Truly That Deadly?

Congenital Rubella

The Rubella Vaccine is meant to prevent Congenital Rubella. If a woman contracts Rubella while pregnant, there are serious complications that may arise for the infant. The infant could be born blind, deaf, severely disfigured, or even die. The CDC maintains that this one vaccine alone prevents 20,000 babies from being born with Congenital Rubella each year. Their reported statistics tell a different story.

The CDC has been telling people for years that a major outbreak in 1964-1965 was responsible for 20,000 cases of CRS and many babies were permanently injured or died from it. There is a major flaw with that statement. CRS cases were not even documented in the U.S. until 1966. The vaccine came out in 1969. Here are the actual statistics reported:

1966 - 11
1967 - 10
1968 - 14

(table 10 for Rubella, Congenital Syndrome)

After the vaccine was introduced in 1969, the following cases were reported:

1969 - 31
1970 - 77
1971 - 68

The number of cases continued to be high until 1992. During that year there were only 11 cases reported - which is exactly what the figure was 3 years before the vaccine made its debut. What the vaccine has actually done is shift the vulnerable age groups to infants and pregnant women (which is why the CDC is now recommending boosters for adults).

Now, even if that were true that there were 20,000 cases in 1964-1965, what was the reason for the sharp decline? The vaccine was not even introduced until 1969!


http://www.uspharmacist.com/index.asp?show=article&page=8_1489.htm (please check out the 4th paragraph down in the pink box on when the CDC began recording Rubella cases)

The Flu

What I don't understand is why doctors are not questioning the big fat lie that we are told. The public is told that 36,000 people die each year from the flu according to the CDC. Yet, the AAP tells doctors 20,000. Which is it? Neither according to the CDC. Here are the most recent statistics reported according to this agency.


2006 - 806 (preliminary figure)
2005 - 1,812
2004 - 1,100
2003 - 1,792 **mass marketing with infants began
2002 - 727 **mass marketing with elderly began
2001 - 257

http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr56/nvsr56_16.pdf (page 18)

http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/preliminarydeaths05_tables.pdf#5 (page 33 )


This is how every vaccine became mandated - scare tactics. This makes for a great argument with your doctor by the way.

The Mumps

Mumps is a contagious disease that begins with a fever, muscle aches, headache, and fatigue. Salivary glands may become swollen as well as testicles, ovaries, and female breasts. Within a week, the symptoms usually disappear and seldom is medical intervention needed. Once a person develops mumps, he/she develops permanent immunity.
Studies have shown that this disease is usually quite harmless if contracted in childhood. However, when contracted as a teenager or adult, complications may arise which may consist of the following: orchitis has occurred in roughly 20% of cases (sterility is extremely rare because it usually only affects one testicle), transient meningitis, temporary hearing loss, and inflammation of the ovaries. Death from mumps is very rare. In 1991, for example, only one case of death from mumps was reported.

Vaccination does not last (subsequent boosters are needed). Several outbreaks occurred within vaccinated populations. In 1987, a large case of mumps broke out in Minnesota schools. Another outbreak occurred in 1991 in Tennessee schools. A large majority of these children were previously vaccinated (82% of the Minnesota students and 99% of the Tennessee students).

Most children under the age of 10 contracted mumps prior to the introduction of the vaccine. After the vaccine was introduced, the age group shifted and 92% of cases occurred in children 14 yrs. old or younger (from 1967-1971/ prior to the vaccine being put into general use). The other 8% of cases occurred in persons 15 yrs. or older. By 1987 though (several years after the general use of the vaccine), the number of cases in the age group of 15 or older rose 38%.

The MMR vaccine, along with the single dose versions of each vaccine, have a lengthy list of adverse reactions (some quite serious).

Diabetes has also been reported as much as several months following vaccination. In 1992, 180 European doctors confirmed that the mumps vaccine can "trigger" diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine concurred that same year that certain viruses can "trigger" diabetes. Aseptic meningitis is another well-known complication of the mumps vaccine, which the Lancet published in an article in 1993. Japan removed the MMR vaccine that same year due to the large number of encephalitis cases (1 out of 1044 people).


U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services "Measles, Mumps, and Rubella: What You Need to Know" (Atlanta, GA: CDC, October 15, 1991)

McKinley Health Center "Mumps Vaccine" University of Illinois (October 5, 1998)

CDC Fact Sheet "Facts about Mumps for adults" National Coalition for Adult Immunization (April 2000)

Diodati, Catherine Immunization History, Ethics, Law and Health (Windsor, Ontario, Canada: Integral Aspects, Inc., 1999)

Scheibner, Viera Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System (1993)

Briss, P.A. et al "Sustained transmission of mumps in a highly vaccinated population: assessment of vaccine failure and waning vaccine-induced immunity" J of Infectious Diseases 1994

The Measles

Measles usually affects the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. It is a contagious disease caused by a virus. Symptoms may include a high fever, cough, runny nose, sore & red sensitive eyes. Small pink spots with gray-white color develop inside the mouth. Pink, itchy spots appear on the face and spread over the body. Rarely do complications arise in healthy individuals and treatment mainly consists of allowing the disease to run its course. However, measles can be dangerous in the following circumstances: populations newly exposed to the virus, malnourished persons living in undeveloped countries, persons with a compromised immune system, or even in communities with improper hygeine and lack of quality health care.

The CDC states that 1 out of every 1000 children who contract measles will get encephalitis (infection of the brain). However, renowned pediatrician and vaccine researcher, Dr. Robert Mendelsohn states that this figure may be accurate in situations that consist of poverty and malnutrition. For everyone else it is probably more like 1/10,000 or 1/100,000. Even then, 75% of these cases of encephilitis will not show evidence of brain damage.

Cases of measles began to decline in the U.S. long before the vaccine was introduced in 1963. In fact, by 1955 the death rate dropped to .03 deaths per 100,000 (97.7% reduction). This happened 8 years before the vaccine was introduced! The International Mortality Statistics published these figures which shows that from 1915-1958 the death rate in the U.S. and U.K. declined by 98%.

Vaccination does not last (subsequent boosters are needed). In vaccinated populations epidemics occur regularly. The World Health Organization has stated that when you are vaccinated, your chance of developing measles is 15x greater than had you not been vaccinated. Senior epidemiologist with the CDC, Dr. William Atkinson agrees. He stated that over 95% of cases of outbreak were among the vaccinated populations.

An article published in 1995 by Lancet also found a link between the measles vaccine and bowel disease.

Before the vaccine was introduced in 1963, it was extremely rare for an infant to contract measles. By the 1990's though, 25% of measles cases were in children under one year of age. The CDC has admitted that it is likely going to get worse due to the fact that many mothers were vaccinated in the 60's, 70's and 80's. If a mother is vaccinated, she cannot offer the natural immunity through antibodies to her baby. Not only that, but in 1999, Pediatrics published an article stating that infants born after the vaccine was introduced in 1963 are 7 1/2x more likely to contract the disease than had they been born prior to 1963.

Is vitamin A a simple solution? Studies have shown that when a patient is suffering from the measles, vitamin A has proven successful in lowering complication rates and risk of dying from the disease.


Fisher, B.L. The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines (Vienna, VA: NVIC 1997)

Krishnamurth, K.A. et al "Measles a dangerous disease: a study of 1000 cases in Madurai" Indian Pediatrics, 1974

Barclay, A.J.G. et al "Vitamin A supplements and mortality related to measles: a randomised clinical trial." British Medical Journal (January 31, 1987)

Keusch, G.T. "Vitamin A supplements too good to be true". New England Journal of Medicine October 4, 1990

U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services "Measles, Mumps, and Rubella: What You Need to Know" (Atlanta, GA: CDC, October 15, 1991)

FDA "FDA workshop to review warnings, use instructions, and precautionary information (on vaccines)." (Rockland, Maryland: FDA, September 18, 1992)

I will be posting more on various reported disease statistics in the near future. If you would like to start researching them on your own in the meantime, purchase the book, "Vaccine Safety Manual" by Neil Z. Miller.

Are Vaccines Mandatory?

I was never told by my doctor or my sons' doctors that my state offers 2 exemptions. In fact, my state currently offers a religious exemption or a medical exemption. Though, a medical exemption is often difficult to obtain. Why? Because it usually only applies to one vaccine and the doctor must indicate the length of time that the exemption is in place. If your child had a reaction after his/her vaccines, how do you know which one caused the reaction if several are administered in one day? It is virtually impossible! Were you led to believe that you didn't have a choice in the matter? For your specific state's information go to:


If there is an outbreak and your child is not vaccinated, they will be asked to stay home from school (quarantined) until the outbreak subsides. In my opinion, this is really absurd because up until recently many vaccines were not required prior to foreigners entering this country. In fact, certain vaccines are only required if the person is going to obtain U.S. citizenship. What about all of the adults walking around whose vaccines have worn off long ago? Are doctors and nurses required to obtain every vaccine that they administer our children? Some, not all. What about all of the U.S. Citizens who travel to foreign countries each year? Are they required to be vaccinated for everything? Not from what I am reading.

Many physicians are having their patients sign a "Refusal to Vaccinate Form" if one or more vaccines are refused. What this form basically states is that you acknowledge the fact that the "benefits" outweigh the "risks" and by refusing to vaccinate you are not only placing your child in danger, but others as well. Doctors are not required to have you sign this form by the way. Simple documentation in the patient's file is sufficient according to the following website:


Many parents who have accidentally signed this form are now fearing that their children will be taken away by state agencies. Some children already have. However, they are returned, but not before being vaccinated with everything first though. Rarely, does the parent have enough time to even contact an attorney.


Is There Any Justice When You Are Injured?

Not in my family's case. There are actually a total of 5 victims, but I am reluctant to talk about the fifth. This victim died shortly after a round of vaccines, but the hospital did a wonderful job covering up the truth surrounding this person's death.

I did take my teenage son in this past year for a comprehensive educational screening. I was concerned that he may have been suffering from an Auditory Processing Disorder. This disorder often accompanies ADHD. However, he passed the test with flying colors. It was I who struggled to hear every question that was asked of him.

Every time that a vaccine is administered to a patient, .75 cents goes into a fund called the "National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program", or VICP for short. If a person is injured by a vaccine, they are able to file a claim through the court for compensation. Sounds easy, right? It is actually very difficult to win.



That is pretty alarming considering that this program has already paid out over $1 Billion dollars in damages to date!


Unfortunately, I did learn that my Rubella Vaccine was not properly recorded at this well-known medical teaching hospital where it was administered. Though it has been a law since 1986 that healthcare professionals record vaccine lot #'s, manufacturer, type of vaccine administered, and the date of administration, mine was never documented properly. Not only that, but when I called the hospital to obtain the information I was simply told by the nurse manager of the birthing pavillion that no other patients' vaccines were recorded either due to "system changes".


To say that I am furious is an understatement. I have gone as far as notifying the following individuals, agencies, and organizations about this blatent disregard for the law:

All major newspapers in my state
Congressmen/Congresswomen in my state
Health & Human Services, the CDC, and Medicaid (not on Medicaid, but told they may help)
The Joint Commission (an organization that oversees hospitals' wrongdoings)
Governor of my state
The hospital's Risk Management Officer
My state's Medical Licensing Board
Several Attorneys

Not one of them will do anything about it. Because this hospital is "fully accredited", they can do no wrong. Therefore, they cannot be punished. Despite the fact that vaccines are required to be recorded, there isn't anyone to enforce it if they don't. I was also told by several attorneys that if I did not have a comprehensive hearing screening prior to this vaccine, if would be impossible to prove that the vaccine did the damage. What?! Why would I have a comprehensive hearing exam prior to this vaccine if my hearing was perfect?!

Despite the fact that doctors rarely report adverse reactions, parents or patients are encouraged to do so. I had to file all 4 of my reports (one for myself and three for my infant).



I did file a grievance with my state's nursing board on behalf of my infant. Both nurses not only failed to log my frantic phone calls properly, but also failed to alert his doctor about his reactions. Due to their actions, he then received another round of vaccines at 6 mo. which caused him to have partial seizures. If the first nurse had done her job, he never would have received any other vaccines after his 2 mo. shots. So, will he ever receive compensation? It is very hard to say. I am led to believe that by the time the extent of his injuries are known (if any), it would exceed the time limit to file. However, I am still looking into this. It would be extremely difficult to prove though because nothing was documented. It would just be my word against theirs. I have been watching him closely though because developmental delays are usually a sign of future problems - learning disabilities.

It wasn't until recently that his 3rd evaluation proved that the gap was wide enough (what he is doing vs. what he "should" be doing) for intervention to be warranted. I am currently awaiting a phone call to set these weekly sessions up. I am also researching detox methods for all of us because I am not only afraid to have another child after I've been injected with the Rubella Virus (which I will try to explain later), but I want my childrens' futures to be as promising as they can be.

If one good thing came out of this, it is that his pediatrician is now researching vaccines. Apparently, not more than a footnote is covered in medical school. I guess she has seen enough to scare her into doing her own homework.

If I had to do it all over again, nobody in my family would have received a vaccine - period.

What is in a Vaccine?

A lot of harmful ingredients may be found in vaccines. Unfortunately, their effects have never been studied on humans. For an extensive list of vaccine ingredients go to:


Peanut oil is another suspected ingredient. We are left to wonder why life-threatening peanut allergies are sharply on the rise? Why are schools now required to have "nut-free" tables?


Society is led to believe that there is no longer mercury in the mercury-free vaccines. However, an organization by the name of Hapi has taken it upon themselves to test a few vaccines that were submitted by an anonymous doctor. Their test results may be found here:


So, if "trace" amounts of an ingredient are no longer required to be listed on the package inserts, what else is in a vaccine that we are not even aware of? I actually did the math for my own child, and just 2 shots containing "trace" amounts of mercury would exceed the FDA's own guidelines for my infant based on his weight. Keep in mind though that there really is no such thing as a safe amount of mercury. The formula to calculate mercury consumption may be found on the following website toward the bottom of the page:


To view all U.S. licensed vaccines please go here.

Human Experimentation with chemicals (formaldehyde, mercury, polysorbate 80, MSG, etc) and biological agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc) is LEGAL providing that informed consent is practiced according to US CODE Title 50, subsection 1520a. Many vaccines are "live-viruses". The first link talks of the duties of the Secretary of Defense. The second link talks of his affiliation with Health & Human Services. What agency hands down the final vaccination schedule?? Health & Human Services. So, if your doctor is not explaining the real "risks" associated with each vaccine (which is outlined on the vaccine package insert), informed consent was not practiced and therefore, NOT LEGAL.



Remember the disclaimer on every vaccine? Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility: No Studies have been done

http://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_infanrix.pdf (page 7 to view example of warning)

So, are vaccines really safe? I guess we don't know because the chemicals have never been studied on humans and the long-term effects are unknown at this time.

Recommended Reading

On Vaccines:

"Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective" by Neil Z. Miller

"Vaccine Safety Manual" by Neil Z. Miller

"The Virus and the Vaccine" by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Shumacher

"Evidence of Harm" by David Kirby

"The Lyme-Autism Connection" by Bryan Rosner with Tami Duncan

"Louder Than Words" by Jenny McCarthy

"Mother Warriors" by Jenny McCarthy (inspiring true stories of Autism recovery!)

"The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization - Thirteenth Edition" by Tim O'Shea

"Healing and Preventing Autism" by Jenny McCarthy and Jerry Kartzinel, M.D.

"Fear of the Invisible" by Janine Roberts

On Childhood Development:

"Your Week by Week Baby's First Year" by Curtis, M.D., M.P.H. and Schuler, M.S.

"What to Expect The Toddler Years" by Eisenberg, Murkoff, and Hathaway

For Suspected Developmental Delays

"A Parent's Guide to Developmental Delays" by Laurie LeComer, M. Ed.

"The Mislabeled Child" by Brock Eide, M.D., M.A., and Fernette Eide, M.D.

"From Emotions to Advocacy" by Pam Wright and Pete Wright

** I will continuously be adding more to this list

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family History - A Piece of the Puzzle

Many people wonder why certain children who were never vaccinated still develop Autism or ADHD. I believe that many environmental factors play a role - the two biggest being family history (DNA inherited from all previous generations) and what the mother was exposed to during the pregnancy.

Believe it or not, it was something my dentist said that made me research cell line function. He had written quite a few papers on upper airway obstruction. What he found is that many who suffer from ADHD also suffer from this condition. They may snore, have malformed jaws (overbite or underbite), or suffer from sleep apnea. Upon researching this, I discovered that all cells have a particular job to do. A baby's DNA (genetic makeup which involves cells) is inherited from Mom and Dad. The job of your red blood cells is to carry oxygen to the different parts of your body. If ADHD can be hereditary, then something must have caused this cell line to be defective.


A special type of cells, called "T & B Cells" are defender cells. These are the only ones that will respond to invaders. Millions of these cells alone are donated from the Mom and Dad. So, what exactly will happen with subsequent generations being vaccinated, eating GM foods, and being exposed to other toxic chemicals? Are we really even able to study the vaccinated/unvaccinated populations? If the damage could have been inherited and vaccines may be the final assault for some, than my guess is no.

Vaccines are made with human DNA or animal DNA (cells are used). When mixed with your DNA, the body will treat it as invading germs. So, what happens when your T & B cells are already damaged? What happens when the animal is also suffering from certain viruses/conditions?


Cancer begins when just one of those defective cells multiply out of control. Chemicals and certain infections can be responsible. Do you remember the disclaimer that I had mentioned earlier that is on every vaccine? The vaccine manufacturer does not know if they cause cancer, alter your DNA, or impair your fertility because no studies have been done. However, just by studying the vaccine ingredients alone and cell line function, I believe that they are capable of causing all three.

Don't forget the biggest lie of all is that Dr. Paul Offit stated that everyone can handle 10,000 antigens at any given time! Well, with the neurotoxins and viruses that go into a vaccine - nobody can and it is only a matter of time before that family tree is eventually affected. This is exactly why we are seeing the first generation of individuals vaccinated not living as long (people are dying in their 40's, 50's, and 60's today).


When I researched my family history, I learned that my Grandfather (Dad's Dad) worked in a Naval Shipyard. He was exposed to asbestos and heavy metals for years. Not only were his cells damaged by these toxins after repeated exposure, but he also carried much of this home with him on his clothing. His entire family was then exposed to them also. This damage was then inherited by all of his future generations too. My other Grandfather (Mom's Dad) worked with heavy metals for years too! My Grandmother (Mom's Mom) chased chem trucks and carried around mothballs for years because she loved the smell. My Mom and Dad were the first in our family tree to receive childhood vaccines. My Dad was then in the military and received countless more.

My husband's Father was a military brat and so was his Mom. They both not only received the recommended childhood vaccines (first in their family tree also), but countless more as a military family. My husband's Father was also in the military - more vaccines received then also for over 2 decades! My husband was also in the military for over 2 decades. So, he not only received all of his childhood vaccines, but countless more as a military brat and countless more in his career. He used to joke and say that his lifetime shot record is literally pages upon pages. However, I don't think it is funny now that I know what is in them.

All of this information may explain why we are genetically predisposed to certain conditions. Much of who we are is "inherited". All actions will also affect subsequent generations too, unfortunately. This may also shed some light on why several members of my family were adversely affected by vaccines.

My Brother - Another Victim

I was living in California at the time when I received a phone call from my Mom in December 2004. She told me that my brother was very sick and that I needed to fly home quickly. She started to cry and told me that they were not sure about how much time he had. He was probably going to die. I found a empty seat on a plane and flew to Boston in less than 12 hours.

My brother was being treated at well-known hospital in Boston for "viral meningitis" with secondary encephalitis. At least this is what my family was told anyways. We later learned that the hospital didn't quite know what he had, but that they had to give it a name that was found in their medical textbooks. How do I know this? My Dad cornered one of the doctors and demanded information. The doctor simply told him that there are well over 1,000 unknown viruses out there that make their way down from Canada and my brother had one of them. The other doctors were furious with this doctor for telling my Dad this. To this day, I wonder if his career is over.

I will begin with telling you the events that unfolded. He became ill in September of 2004 and went to the emergency room of a local hospital. He was complaining of a stiff neck and massive headache. They simply gave him some Tylenol and sent him on his way. This all happened after he returned from a weekend of partying in Las Vegas.

Over the next 3 months he was in and out of different hospitals. He kept taking a turn for the worse after being released. In the meantime, there were numerous MRIs, labs done on his blood, spinal taps, and so on. Nobody could figure out what was wrong.

He finally became so bad that my parents brought him to a well-known healing ministry in Boston. My brother was so sick that he could not even walk or talk. My parents had to carry him up to the alter to be prayed over. The Father of the ministry winked at my parents and said that he was going to be just fine.

Shortly after this, my brother was admitted yet again to the hospital. This time he was in such rough shape that they felt it would be best to have him ambulanced to larger, well-known hospital in Boston. This facility had some of the finest doctors in the country and would be able to better care for him. It was at this point that my Mom called me to fly home.

To see him in such a state was very frightening. He was a total vegetable, drooling all over himself, and not walking or speaking at all. He didn't even know that you were there. He had tubes and wires all over the place. For some reason though, within a few days a strange peace came over me. I just knew that he was going to be o.k. My Mom sensed this and she began to feel better too.

The doctors tested him for everything (his final hospital bill totalled well over $1 million dollars!). They didn't have any answers for us at first (before the bogus viral meningitis diagnosis). They did detect lesions in many areas of his brain. Every possible medication that you can think of was given to him and nothing seemed to be working. One particular medication comes to mind called "Acyclovir". One of the nurses accidentally hooked up his IV incorrectly and the medicine began pooling on his skin. It literally burned through several layers and left him with permanent scarring. At the same time my Dad was trying different things too. He was feeding my brother a macrobiotic diet, which was very difficult to do because my brother had no swallowing capabilities. He also began massaging his feet (practicing Reflexology). There were other things tried too, which I really cannot recall.

Amazingly, my brother began to show signs of improvement. He slowly began to start mumbling words and begin walking. The doctors could not believe their eyes. This was a man that was not expected to live. He was still very confused, but he was slowly coming out of it. I will never forget - my brother, well over 200 lbs., telling me that he had to leave the hospital because there was a "party" that he could not miss (he just said the word party and I knew what he meant because he was trying to find the stairs)! We literally had to hold him down and restrain him to prevent him from leaving the hospital to go to this "imaginery party".

On Christmas Eve my brother spoke his first sentence. My Dad had brought in pastries from Mike's Pastries in Boston (yum). My brother began crying and when we asked him what was wrong he exclaimed through tear-filled eyes, "Mike's Pastries!" We all laughed and from that moment on just knew that he was going to be o.k. The Doctor's called him the "Christmas Miracle".

He spent several months in therapy. He had to re-learn all of the most basic skills - how to write, read, walk, and talk. There was much improvement in all areas. When his therapy was completed, the doctors wanted him to come back for further assessment on the damage to his brain. He never did go back. There are problems to this day in the area of memory though.

It wasn't until last year that I began to suspect vaccines were to blame. I began reading articles by Dr. Russell Blaylock, who is a retired neurosurgeon. He has found that these live-virus vaccines can lay dormant in one's body, mutate, and later emerge even more deadly than before. Certain environmental factors may trigger it too. I thought back to my brother. He had shown signs of vaccine-damage in childhood. He later joined the Coast Guard and received countless more vaccines. In fact, he left the Coast Guard just 2 years prior to developing this mysterious illness that almost cost him his life. When he was in the hospital, the U.S. Center for Infectious Disease Control became involved and they had no other reported cases that were similiar to my brother's. They traced his steps in the previous months and could not give us any answers. It all started to make sense.


My Teenage Son - Another Victim

While going through this vaccine-induced nightmare, I was desperately trying to figure out how to help my 14 year old son. He was evaluated 5x over the years in all different schools across the country. When a child is evaluated for suspected learning disabilities, they are given certain tests to see if they may be eligible for an IEP/Special Education services. I could not understand why he was struggling so much, yet his tests kept indicating that his scores were "normal" when comparing them to others his age nationally. My son cannot perform simple math (division, addition, subtraction, word problems, multiplication) or comprehend more than a paragraph of reading material, yet his scores are normal? If he were in one school district his entire life, I would blame the district. However, he was in several schools across the country. Obviously, something is very wrong with the current educational system.

I then began registering for many learning disability forums. I wanted to find out just what was going on. Needless to say, I was quite shocked about the large number of families going through the same exact situation. The tests administered today in the Special Education screening process are "dumbed down". They are actually designed so that a child like mine will pass them. If any changes are going to be made with these tests, it can take as long as 7 years to do so. You might be asking how I know that they are dumbed down. Well, I asked the last evaluator to give me an example of one of the test questions. He said, "Well, the test may contain one question that may read something like this: 'Some fish live in the sea'. The child is supposed to check true/false". Now, keep in mind that these types of test questions were given to my son who was 14 years old at the time!

All of these years I have been told that my child is simply lazy. As it turns out, my poor son has been struggling all of these years from ADHD-non hyperactive, inattentive type, a Math Disability, and a Visual Processing Disorder. The signs were all there. I thought back to all of the times I mentioned to his pediatrician that he was delayed in certain areas. My fears were dismissed. In kindergarten, it was documented in my son's school records that he had difficulty with simple tasks such as running or jumping. By second grade, it was documented that he couldn't use scissors properly. He had difficulty remembering the days of the week, reading comprehension, sensory processing issues (certain socks bothered his feet, certain pants bothered his waist, noises and smells would be bothersome) and on and on. These were all signs of learning disabilities!

Many parents across the country are so busy holding down maybe one or more jobs just to put food on the table. They are told that there child is simply lazy. Unfortunately, the parents "buy" it and do not investigate further. These poor children already feel stupid, suffer from low-self esteem and many eventually get caught up with the wrong crowd. They may turn to drugs or alcohol to feel better. By then, it is already too late for many.

Then, there is the other group of parents that do not believe what they are told. They know that something is wrong. So, often an outside evaluation is done. Insurance usually doesn't cover the testing because it is for educational purposes. Testing can cost anywhere from $1,500 - several thousand dollars. Even then, the schools do not have to accept it. The parent may need to hire an advocate (my charges $75 per hour) and possibly even an attorney ($200-$300 per hour) to fight the school system for services for their child. If the case ends up in court, litigation may cost as much as $100,000. Is this afforable? Does this make any sense? What is wrong with the current system? Why is the educational system failing our children miserably? Why are pediatricians not recognizing developmental delays?

I looked back at my son's vaccine history. I thought that he handled his vaccines quite well. He only suffered from numerous bouts of conjunctivitis as an infant (another side effect to vaccines I recently learned). Then I started digging a little more. I pulled out his baby book and baby photos. I noticed that in his baby book it was documented that he had a strange type of congestion similiar to his brother's. It would clear by noon each day, but continued for several months following his 4 mo. vaccines. I also noticed that his slight lazy eye was not visible until his 6 mo. vaccines. The only new vaccine that was administered was the Hep B. Eye nerve damage is actually listed as an adverse reaction to this vaccine too. To think that all of these years I thought that it was inherited from his Dad, but I now see that his eye was fine up until 6 months of age!

Both of my children had one thing in common - they were given a lot of formaldehyde in their vaccines. It is currently linked with respiratory problems and the EPA is considering it to be a probable carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). Do you remember the Hurricane Katrina victims who were placed in government-issued trailers? These trailers were constructed with formaldehyde treated wood. Many hurricane victims became quite ill. These people are now being studied long-term for cancer and other chronic illnesses. Why is there formaldehyde in vaccines if it so toxic?


Then there is the mercury. I added up all of the mercury that my son was given. At his 2 mo. shot appointment alone, he was given roughly 147x the recommended "safe" dosage of mercury based on a simple formula that the EPA and FDA have designed. The problem with that is that it is based on fish consumption and it involves a different type of mercury, not the same mercury that is found in vaccines. In fact, the type of mercury that is found in vaccines has never been studied on humans! I also need to remind myself that it was injected, not consumed, therefore it is suspected to be more toxic. Also, when mercury is combined with aluminum the result is synergistic toxicity - meaning far more toxic than just mercury alone. So, it is safe to assume that the amount was far greater than 147x....just how much greater I don't know. If you would like to calculate just how much mercury is considered "safe" based on your weight, the formula may be found on the PBS link below. What you must first do is convert the weight from pounds to kilograms though. Mercury is a known neurotoxin that causes damage to the brain. So does formaldehyde.




The CDC has been in the news this past year stating that Autism effects 1 in 150. Actually, this figure represents the year 1994 according to the statistics compiled by the U.S. Dept of Education. As of 2007, 1 in 67 elementary school children nationwide are suffering from Autism or some other form of neurological disorder. In fact, 1 in 67 children are receiving Special Education Services for their disability too. You can research these statistics yourself by contacting the U.S. Dept of Education for their statistics on children placed in IEPs.


Now, after comparing this figure with the information I just supplied to you, how many children do you think are truly suffering? I believe it is much higher than 1 in 67 based on my own personal experience with the Special Education screening process. When you click on the link above, you will notice that that the website link that is further supplied is having "technical difficulties". Actually, certain individuals and organizations are working very diligently at taking down these websites that contain information that they don't want you to have. Just what will the numbers be, say 5 years from now as more and more vaccines are added to the recommended schedule and more pollution is filling the air?

You are probably thinking, why wouldn't the U.S. Dept of Education correct the CDC on their incorrect findings? Do schools receive funding for vaccinated children?


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Vaccine Package Inserts & My Rubella Vaccine

A lot of information may be derived from the package inserts themselves. I learned a lot just by reading them. First of all, the vaccine manufacturers advise the healthcare professionals to carefully assess the health of the patient prior to administering the vaccine. I thought to myself for a moment. I had severe preeclampisa! This is a life-threatening condition and your blood pressure usually resolves within 6 weeks AFTER delivery. However, some people are left with high blood pressure for the rest of their life and must go on medication. What I have found is that severe preeclampsia is a complex hypertensive disorder that affects multiple systems. In fact, not much else is known about it too. It is still being studied.


Why on earth was I given a Rubella Vaccine if I was so sick? It is no wonder why I felt so strange after receiving it too. Somewhere I even read that the Rubella Vaccine can cause a rise in blood pressure too. This is the last thing that I needed. If my body was having a hard time eliminating toxins (which explains the edema because my kidneys were not functioning properly), why oh why was I given this vaccine?


I did learn the following after reading this particular vaccine package insert:

1. It is not advisable to become pregnant for at least 3 months following the vaccine
2. There is a "small chance" of catching a blood-born virus through the vaccine itself
3. The virus may "pass" to the infant by way of breastfeeding
4. If one has received a blood transfusion recently, the vaccine would probably be ineffective

Not once did my doctor consider any of this! In fact, I had two incompetant doctors involved in this mess. I had one who ordered the vaccine and another one who administered it. Neither one of them advised against pregnancy or told me that the virus may pass to my breastfeeding infant. Heck, they encouraged me to breastfeed!! What if I had developed further complications from the severe preeclampsia, known as the HELLP syndrome? What if at that point I needed a blood transfusion? What if I developed a virus through the vaccine itself? Again, what was so important about receiving this vaccine?

The Rubella Vaccine is meant to prevent Congenital Rubella. If a woman contracts Rubella while pregnant, there are serious complications that may arise for the infant. The infant could be born blind, deaf, severely disfigured, or even die. The CDC maintains that this one vaccine alone prevents 20,000 babies from being born with Congenital Rubella each year. Their reported statistics tell a different story.

The CDC has been telling people for years that a major outbreak in 1964-1965 was responsible for 20,000 cases of CRS and many babies were permanently injured or died from it. There is a major flaw with that statement. CRS cases were not even documented in the U.S. until 1966. The vaccine came out in 1969. Here are the actual statistics reported:

1966 - 11
1967 - 10
1968 - 14

(table 10 for Rubella, Congenital Syndrome)

After the vaccine was introduced in 1969, the following cases were reported:

1969 - 31
1970 - 77
1971 - 68

The number of cases continued to be high until 1992. During that year there were only 11 cases reported - which is exactly what the figure was 3 years before the vaccine made its debut. What the vaccine has actually done is shift the vulnerable age groups to infants and pregnant women (which is why the CDC is now recommending boosters for adults). After seeing these figures and weighing the lengthy list of adverse reactions, was it truly beneficial? Was my partial hearing loss worth it?

One thing that I came across that really bothered me was the disclaimer on every vaccine. It simply stated that no studies have been done in the areas of cancer, altering of DNA, or impairment of fertility. After researching the ingredients, you be the judge as to whether or not each vaccine is capable of causing all three.

Here is an example of this on just one vaccine:

http://us.gsk.com/products/assets/us_infanrix.pdf (page 7)

Also, according to the makers of the vaccines, you can be contagious for up to 6 weeks. You are particularly contagious to pregnant women, immune compromised, and infants! Do doctors ever tell us this important information? My sister-in-law just received a chicken pox vaccine a few months ago (she is a foreigner) and she was never told that she is CONTAGIOUS! She works in the health food industy and waits on countless people every day! Please look at page 7 under "Transmission" of the following link:


After my infant was in contact with her, he was scheduled for surgery. En route to the hospital, I was asked if he was exposed to anyone who had the chicken pox within the past month. I did tell them that his aunt was recently vaccinated and that he was in close contact with her. Three different healthcare workers all assured me that this was not a problem (one was a receptionist, another was an anesthesiologist, and the other was a nurse manager). However, after his surgery was over and we were back home, I noticed a strange rash on his back. I called the hospital where he had his surgery and voiced my concerns. The person on the other end of the line was angry with me for bringing him into the hospital in the first place?! It turned out that he only had a heat rash, but still, why is there such a lack of vaccine knowledge among the healthcare "professionals"?

I actually showed the list of common adverse reactions to an Audiologist and Behavioral Optometrist. They were quite shocked and both agreed that many learning disabilities that we are seeing today may actually be long-term effects of previous vaccines. Please take a look at page 6 of the following link under "Special Senses/Ear/Eye":


We are hearing all over the news about outbreaks of these so-called "deadly diseases". There are numerous omitted facts that one must weigh though when reading about these "outbreaks". Vaccines are manufactured by using particular strains of the virus. The only thing that we are told is that the unvaccinated are to blame for spreading these diseases because they are the ones infected. Hmmm....I didn't read about researchers testing these disease-ridden people for the type of strain they are carrying. Did you? If they had, would be linked to the vaccine in current use? I also don't recall the specifics about what vaccines the person did/did not receive. If just a few years ago, the CDC maintained that our society was 97 or 98% in compliance for vaccination rates, how does that explain the recent outbreaks? It doesn't. Also, if live-virus vaccine recipients are contagious for up to 6 weeks, how many of these people involved in these outbreaks were actually vaccinated recently? We don't know. Well, here is one story that I would like to share:


Oh, and there is so much more to this issue that I will post further.

My Baby - The First Recognized Victim

On the day of my discharge I rushed home to pack a suitcase. My husband had to continue working at his new job unfortunately, but he agreed to spend as many nights with me that he could while our new son remained in the hospital. I also needed him to prepare the house too. We didn't expect our baby to come six weeks early and there was much to do. Fortunately, I was be able to stay in quarters on the same campus as the hospital. It was free for parents who had children in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) or for parents who had children receiving cancer treatment.

My little guy did very well. We loved the nurses because they were quite dedicated and so good with the babies. By March 6th, he was strong enough to be transferred to a hospital closer to our home. It was only a 15 min. drive! I also learned that I could stay in the hospital with him on the same floor. I would be able to shower there, watch t.v. (if I found the time), and order meals from the cafeteria too as well as have them delivered to my room. It made things so much easier because I was still feeling the after effects of the preeclampsia.

I was given a booklet on vaccines that was written by the CDC. I didn't think much about vaccines until this point. After glancing through it, I realized that there were so many more added to the recommended schedule since my teenage son was a baby. It was ridiculous in my opinion. Giving babies a vaccine for diarrhea? The age of administration for Hep B was lowered from 6 mo. to newborn now? I sat down and really studied the information. It was at that point that I made up my mind that he wasn't getting the Hep B shot. What was the point if I didn't have the disease? I never even questioned vaccines when my teenage son was a baby because I was never given any information about them. There was no internet access back then either. I was also a very young mother at the age of 19 when I had my first child and thought that doctors knew everything.

A nurse approached me and suggested that we talk about the Hep B vaccine. I told her that he wouldn't be getting it because I couldn't see him doing drugs or having sex anytime soon. She was appalled by my decision and assured me that she has never heard of any adverse reactions to this vaccine. If I didn't give him the shot now, it would just mean more needles in the future because Hep B was required to enter school. I wouldn't back down. My son was only 5 1/2 lbs at this point! I would later learn that vaccine is not only unnecessary, but dangerous for infants as well as adults. It was also removed from the French market (same manufacturer) because it caused numerous infant deaths and life-long injuries to adults. The French authorities have also launched an investigation into manslaughter charges against this manufacturer too.

My baby was discharged on March 19, 2007. We could finally bring him home! My husband was so cute. During my stay in the hospital he took it upon himself to go shopping and purchase the remainer of the items that we needed (diapers, crib sheets, etc). He proudly told me that he used coupons too!! He also set the crib up in our bedroom and rearranged some of the bedroom furniture to make it easier for us.

Our new baby was doing fabulous. Because he was premature, it is now standard that Easter Seals comes out to your house for an evaluation for any delays. We had him evaluated just prior to him receiving his 2 mo. shots. The evaluators noticed that he was smiling and holding his bottle at a mere corrected age of only 2 weeks! Corrected age is another term for his "due date". It is easier to assess their skills if you refer to their corrected age instead of their birthdate because after all, they did leave the womb early. I was told that he would not need any intervention because he was well advanced for his age and they didn't foresee any problems.

My husband and I loved our son's pediatrician. My husband had a lot in common with her too it turned out. Her brother happened to be in the military and was stationed at the same base that was in my husband's hometown!

When our son was 2 mo. old we brought him in for his well-baby visit. I refused some of the newly recommended vaccines because I didn't feel comfortable giving him certain vaccines that my older child never had. It just didn't feel right. His doctor didn't pressure us. So, I agreed to give him the IPV, DTaP, and HIB vaccines. I was simply told that he may have a slight fever or the injection sight may be a little tender. If I had any concerns, please do not hesistate to call because they have a nurse always on phone duty after hours.

For the next three agonizing days, my son screamed off/on like I had never heard a baby scream before and it was accompanied by a low-grade fever. His screams were enough to make the hair on the back of your neck rise. My baby never even cries and to hear this, it was very unsettling. He also developed this strange congestion that would clear later in the morning each day (the congestion lasted for several weeks). I did call the doctor's office after hours during the screaming episodes and was simply told that this is quite normal, give him some Tylenol, and try to be more careful about where I am touching his legs. She also told me that unless his chest is sinking in or he is gasping for breath, it is really nothing to worry about.

It was time for his next round of shots at 4 mo. My doctor was trying to talk me into having him receive the Hep B vaccine, but I still refused. I told her that he really wasn't at risk for contracting it. She accepted my decision, but did tell me that he could very well be bit by another child at the playground who has the disease. So, once again, he was given the IPV, DTaP, and HIB vaccines.

Once again, he endured the same high-pitched screaming and low-grade fever. My mother actually witnessed it too and urged me to call the doctor's office. Once again, I called the doctor's office after hours and spoke with a nurse. I was told this is quite normal and that I need not worry. I really thought that if this is the second nurse that is telling me this, then they must know what they are talking about.

Our baby was now 6 mo. old. I had some concerns at this point. He was no longer holding his bottle. It seemed to stop shortly after he was 2 mo. old. He just began holding his head up. He also could not sit up yet or crawl. He wasn't even babbling yet either. His doctor assured me that this is quite normal for premature babies. He will eventually catch up I was told. So, once again, he was given the same vaccines that he had earlier. This time, his reaction was much different.

There was no screaming this time or low-grade fever. My mother and I noticed that he would begin to jerk uncontrollably at times when he was given his bottle (his entire body would become a little stiff and it appeared that he was having a muscle spasm from head to toe). His eyes would also roll back into his head. It was quite scary, but we both assumed that we were holding him the wrong way and maybe hitting a sensitive spot. This occurred on several occasions in the weeks following his vaccines. My husband never witnessed it because it seemed to occur during the day while he was at work. I referred back to the booklet on vaccines that was written by the CDC and found that if an screams for 3 or more hours, it is considered a reaction to the vaccine. It was also very vague about vaccine reactions. It talked about mild reactions which included a low-grade fever or inflammation at the injection site. Serious side effects occurred so rarely it was estimated to be about one in a million. Even then, the book stated it could be an allergic reaction to a substance in the vaccine. It would be characterized by hives, difficulty breathing, paleness, weakness, hoarseness or wheezing, a rapid heartbeat, and dizziness. Well, my son WAS congested and he DID scream for well over 3 hours over the course of 3 days. Why was I told that this was "normal"? I then began to do my homework on vaccines and was quite shocked by what I found.

His high-pitched screaming could have been attributed to inflammation of the brain, otherwise known as mild encephalitis. His jerking movements are also known as partial seizures. They occur usually when the body is either allergic to something or exposed to a toxic amount of heavy metals. It all began to make sense. I thought back to when he could no longer nurse. It was right after his 2 mo. shots. He did take right to the bottle, but I was upset that I could no longer feed him by way of nursing. I had assumed that it was due to my being able to no longer produce enough milk (too much stress in my life possibly). Looking back though, that was only part of the problem. The other was that he just could no longer latch on correctly, which involves the muscles in the mouth. I tried different formulas and finally had him content with a lactose-free one. For some reason, he couldn't tolerate any others. He also developed a rash on his cheeks that would just not go away. I thought that it was due to teething because at times, it would disappear, but only for a few days.

During all of this I began to notice that my hearing has off since I had him. At first I thought that it was due to all of the fluid in my body. I didn't realize at the time that ear nerve damage is an actual side effect to the Rubella Vaccine. This would not be discovered until many months later. I then began researching vaccines extensively. It became somewhat of an obsession for me.

I purchased three books to start with by Neil Z. Miller. They were titled, "Vaccines, Autism and Childhood Disorders", "Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective", and his latest, "Vaccine Safety Manual". I also spent countless hours on the internet too. My husband was very uncomfortable with the idea of no longer vaccinating our baby. It was hard enough to convince him to not do all of them. After I presented my findings, he quickly changed his mind and agreed with me.

When my husband learned that babies receive the same dose as an adult, he was shocked. Yes, you did read that correctly. A .5 ml vial is the standard dose of any vaccine and for any age, height, and weight. I also learned that the vaccines my baby received at his corrected age of only 4 weeks old have never been evaluated on infants less than 6 weeks of age. However, they could have been incorrect about my due date and he could have been a little younger. I also learned that he was given eggs, lactose, MSG, peanut oil, and many, many neurotoxins which have been shown to cause brain damage in laboratory animals. The effects of these chemicals have never been studied on humans. One ingredient clearly stuck out like a sore thumb. It was called phenoxyethanol. Apparantly, the FDA removed a nursing mother's nipple cream from the market called "Mommy's Bliss" because it contained this toxic ingredient. According to the FDA, it can cause depression of the central nervous system. Please see link below for details.


This ingredient was in my son's DTaP vaccine I learned! It has since been "phased out", but there is one vaccine on the market that still contains it. It is called "IPOL" and it is made by Sanofi Pasteur. On the link below, please refer to page 1, 3rd paragraph for ingredient content.


Doctors and researchers alike claim that they don't know what causes SIDS? Well, I've just discovered one possibility. I am lucky that my son is alive according to the FDA. Why would the FDA think that this one ingredient is toxic for a nursing infant by way of a mother's breast, but on the other hand call it "safe" to inject? This did not make any sense to me. It also scared me that they thought so little about vaccines being harmful for people.

I also learned that the FDA feels that too much aluminum is toxic. Yet, my baby received over 600 micrograms of aluminum each day that he was vaccinated!? Toxic amounts of aluminum in one's system is currently being linked to Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Just what would this amount do to my son's developing brain though? If I had given him all of the "recommended vaccines" each time, he would have been given roughly 1,200 micrograms of it!


Recent studies have shown that as much as 80% of pediatricians do not recognize developmental delays. In fact, what I have learned it that Easter Seals has a more accurate developmental milestone chart. The pediatrician's version has actually been "dumbed down" over the years. When my teenage son was a baby, it was known that a child should be walking by the age of 12 months. If he/she was not, there was something wrong. Nowadays, pediatricians are claiming that it is o.k. for a child to be walking as late as 18-24 months old. This is "normal" they claim. Well, the only reason why it is considered normal is because far too many infants are delayed these days.

There was so much more to this I would later learn. It would be enough to make me scream, cry, have nightmares, and want to call every elected official about this insane "Vaccine Program". I began to eat, sleep, and live for finding out what vaccines were all about.